Thursday 21 August 2014

Microsoft Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Your Life Easier

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Whether you are learning to use a computer or you have been using your computers for years now, shortcuts are a vital part to make computer usage easier. Here are a few shortcuts that will definitely using the computer Skills much more fun.

 This shortcut minimizes all open Windows and return to a clean desktop. Pressing it again restores the previous state.

 This shortcut will go to the Rename selection. Simply click on a File, press F2 and you can type to rename the file.

 Hold the alt key and continuously press tab to move forward between open applications or folders.

 With this shortcut, you can access System Properties which holds system properties, computer name, and device manager and so on.

Alt + Prtscrn
Take a screen shot of active window. To make an image of the screen shot, paste the image in Microsoft paint and save the file.

Shift + F10
Pressing these buttons together does the same as a right-click with mouse


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